The SEPTA Office of Inspector General (OIG) encourages individuals to report fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct by SEPTA, its employees, vendors, contractors or companies trying to do business with SEPTA.  If you have information, please contact us:
      • Call us at (215) 580-3797
      • Mail to:
        Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) Office of Inspector General
        1234 Market Street, 11th Floor
        Philadelphia, PA 19107

General Information

Examples of matters that the OIG investigates:

If you have a photograph or audio/video recordings, or other documentation, please let us know.  The more accurate information we receive, the better we are able to do our jobs and investigate.

The OIG asks that you provide as much detailed information as possible:

Who committed the wrongdoing?

What exactly did the person or entity do?

When did the wrongdoing take place?

Where did the wrongdoing happen?

Anonymity & Confidentiality

You may submit a complaint or tip anonymously. However, we strongly encourage you to identify yourself and share your contact information so that we may follow up in an effective manner. Otherwise, it may hinder our ability to investigate thoroughly and resolve the complaint.

The OIG pledges to keep your identity confidential, to the extent possible. You can tell the OIG that you wish to be a confidential source. There may, however, come a point where it is required to reveal your identity. The OIG will discuss with you your concerns surrounding confidentiality.

For customer complaints, contact SEPTA’s Customer Service Department by completing the form below.